I grew up my entire life as a very heavy weight kid. I didn't know at the time that i was eating myself into oblivion. As a kid, i was never given much control at home. My parents never gave me any kind of insight on nutrition nor did they care. They ate as much if not more junk food then i did. At the age of 18 , an overweight (256 lbs!) , depressed me decided that it was time for a change. I looked up on line for various methods to lose weight as fast i could. I hated being in my own skin.  After various bouts of magic diet pills that never work,  I found this amazing program called ilovekickboxing.com!

ilovekickboxing.com is amazing fitness and cardio kickboxing class that puts you through various high intensity and low intensity routines. It's great because i use my own body's momentum and just punch and kick. The trainers at ilovekickboxing are awesome too! they don't let you fail, that alone has been the single most driving factor in my incredibly journey.  They teach you routines, that combine boxing, muay thai, cardio , and more! 

I took my first class on feb 21 2012 at the kickboxing carle place location and it's been an amazing two years of hard work, getting in shape, eating properly and more importantly, educating myself on nutrition. There is a world of things that i know now about fitness and nutrition compared to my original self of 256lbs. In 2 years i have lost over 130lbs of fat. I literally lost another human body in weight!! 

It's amazing to think that just 2 years ago i could have never imagine what i've been able to achieve in terms of weight loss and overall goals to lose weight.!!!

I'm eternally grateful for the ilovekickboxing program, it's changed my life.

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    My name is Janice, i'm 28 years old and i've been overweight for a big portion of my life. I found out about kickboxing from ilovekickboxing.com a year ago, and i lost of ton of weight. Check out my amazing story. 


    January 2014


    Cardio Kickboxing
    Fitness Kickboxing